In today's business world, effective and efficient teamwork are necessary ingredients for success.

Peak Performance² is a consulting company located in Montreal, Quebec dedicated to excellence.

With the strong belief that team performance is central to the success of virtually all organizations, Peak Performance² strives to improve their client's overall professional effectiveness and teamwork, later translating into results which exceed expectations. In order to attain such accomplishments, Peak Performance² offers an array of programs and unique services, such as individual and team assessments, customized learning solutions and professional consulting.

This blog is devoted to keeping readers up to date with Peak Performance² and all that is going on in modern times in regards to consulting.

We strongly encourage both reader involvement and lively debate!

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Consulting for Teams in an Increasingly Technological World

It is quite apparent that the work of a consultant changes day in, day out. Consultants are constantly dealing with different individuals and different groups of people, all with their own sets of challenges, needs and goals. However, aside from these major  differences from project to project, consulting firms are also faced with the challenge of integrating technological considerations into their consulting services. Whether consulting clients are looking to improve individual or team efficiency, wanting to increase sales, or wanting to improve their overall customer service, technology must be considered in all recommendations.

In this day and age, almost all productive businesses are highly active in terms of computer usage and online activity. This is a major consideration in terms of communication and productivity. Additionally, many firms are now making use of social media for communication, advertising and networking. Those firms who are not yet involved in social media may find themselves lagging behind their competitors. This is again a major consideration for firms seeking consulting services. For firms that are looking to improve their customer service, there are many technological advancements that are being made available. There are many database systems available that may help firms to improve their Customer Relationship Management. It is crucial in a professional team setting for all employees to understand the implications of this. Even when it comes to increasing sales and productivity, there are many ways in which technology can help companies improve overall productivity and efficiency.

It is for these reasons and many others that consulting firms must not only always be considering technology in their services and recommendations but even more importantly they must stay on top of all upcoming technological changes in order to advise their clients best.

Chelsea Bonneau

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