In today's business world, effective and efficient teamwork are necessary ingredients for success.

Peak Performance² is a consulting company located in Montreal, Quebec dedicated to excellence.

With the strong belief that team performance is central to the success of virtually all organizations, Peak Performance² strives to improve their client's overall professional effectiveness and teamwork, later translating into results which exceed expectations. In order to attain such accomplishments, Peak Performance² offers an array of programs and unique services, such as individual and team assessments, customized learning solutions and professional consulting.

This blog is devoted to keeping readers up to date with Peak Performance² and all that is going on in modern times in regards to consulting.

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Sunday 4 March 2012

Classic Teams: The A-Team

Teams come in all forms and situations, one thing that is true of all teams is that each member fills a specific role, though it may or may not be clearly defined at first glance.

Take the A-Team for instance, each member serves a specific purpose and applies his strengths, skills and knowhow to achieve their common goal. Granted there are often disagreements within the team, (and hilarity ensues) when everyone works together the results are always satisfactory.

Let's have a look at each of the members of the A-Team and what role each one holds.

John "Hannibal" Smith:
Hannibal is the leader of the team, specialized in disguises and planning. He is results oriented, as his catch phrase "I love it when a plan comes together." would suggest. He relishes a challenge and no obstacle is too great to slow him down.

Templeton "Faceman" Peck
Face is an expert at gathering relevant information and providing it to the team. Though his methods are often questionable, his results speak for themselves. Face tends to avoid conflict more than his team mates and is non-confrontational by nature. Face is able to find unusual solutions to problems that arise.

B.A. Baracus
Baracus is highly skilled in combat and and mechanics, he is aware of this and clearly chooses to face all situations head on. Baracus has a problem with authority from an organizational standpoint, he does however respect authority when he believes it is warranted, as evidenced by his behavior around his mother.

H.M. Murdock
Murdock is a pilot capable of flying almost any vehicle. He is reliable and apt though he may be difficult to work with, as he is known to be mentally unstable or is extremely apt at feigning this condition. He often has conflicts with Baracus, but when the situation calls for it, he is present for his team no matter what.

The above descriptions only scratch the surface of these characters as even for fictional teams, relationships and behaviors can be difficult to identify. The DYNAMIX® Personal Profile allows users to improve self-awareness, which in turn improves interactions. 

Which character do you identify with the most? Let us know in the comments.

- Michael

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